We know timber.
Bois et Scierie du Gabon (BSG) has been in the timber industry since 1990 and owns 260,000 hectares of forest concessions in Gabon, West Central of Africa with an annual production of approximately 200,000m3 of round logs.
We operate three sawmill plants and a kiln drying plant with an annual production of approximately 72,000m3 of sawn timber.
We export sawn timber in the following species: Alep, Azobe, Acajou, Agba, Andoung, Baha, Beli, Bilinga, Bosse, Dibetou, Dabema, Doussie, Ebiara, Faro, Iroko, Izombe, Kevazingo, Longhi, Movingui, Niangon, Okoume, Okan, Ovangkol, Pachyloba, Padouk, Paorosa, Sappeli, Sipo, Tali, Tiama and Wengue.
Our markets include Europe, Middle East, China, South Africa and other countries.
To participate actively in the economic, social and provincial development in Gabon by setting up downstream wood-based industries like veneer, moulding and plywood factory
To increase job opportunities, business opportunities and generate income for the people of Gabon
To co-operate with the Government in its national effort on forest management development and to promote investment and business venture between the Gabon and Malaysia
To help our customers to be more successful and to create value for our shareholders, customers, employees and the Gabonese Republic
To promote the export market development and local market distribution of timber related products
To provide reliable and long term quality timber products to the timber-processing industries
The bulk of BSG’s assets investment consists of logging and sawmill machineries and equipment that are financed by funds generated internally. All purchases and expenses are paid by cash. As such, there are no major creditors, which the exception of initial operational loans provided by shareholders.